From: A. Doff Nominee for e-ball 2009, 1) category Best eComStation Scientific Computing Solution. Wriiten by me, and winning has little use in a coomercial way, and a lot of ease, quaility and toold is missing to make it a "killer app". Now it's "it works for me", not being a programmer (my only meaningfull PM contribution ever was a suggestion for Jan van Wijk's updated PMTPOSD2.ZIP). There's no glue to combine my tools to be a toolbox. The computing part is not GA, and is called "Lijst" (Lijst.EXE, Dutch; in English: List). In 2009 I ported it from Rexx to an executable. Processing is faster, and it now requires eCS instead of Rexx to run. It ain't rocket science, the app itself at least, so a full rewrite is "possible". Despite that, it's unique. It produces a list of stocks, which divides the stock market in segments, but without defining any segments as such. If I want to view it, I'm using an app called "Ranking" and I've also a tool to view the results. The application Lijst.EXE itself isn't special at all. Basic data processing. But the list it produces is rather special. Please take a look at: (may be deleted soon) The *.PNG files show the result. You'll want to buy stocks at the left part of the black line. Basicly. The x-axis is the list (#1 is #1 in the list, and so on). Lijst.EXE just compiles the list, e.g. 20090313 (renamed to 20090313.TXT here). Some files are updates. I also included Lijst.EXE, albeit that won't have any use as-is. It exists, that's about all. What scientific about it? Well, let's say my computer produces the same (short-) list each time, essentially based on summarized fundamental analist data, I don't know of any other application showing such an outperformance. Nominee.LZH includes 2 example graphs showing the result after a quarter. That is not the optimal period of time, it does get better. Also, the (Amsterdam) stock exchange rose each quarter covered. I don't think this should win. But it could be a nominee. The app, Lijst.EXE, itself isn't complicated nor special at all, isn't GA, was originally wriiten in Rexx and requires additional data files. What one can do with the output is "special". Winning has no use for me, I'm not involved in any process selling (or improving) the app. So please let YetANotherPMCalculator win, and use this as the competition.