Do you want support Warpstock Europe 2011 campaign?

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<script src= "" type= "text/javascript"></script>

Correction of text and photos

If you see a mistake in the name or title then inform us.


eComStation.RU guarantees to you that this network will show WSE2011 banners only:

Status of the banner network

This banner network is not official. It's an initiative of eCo Software.


The concept of the banners was offered in 2005. We have spent many efforts to create such banners for Warpstock Europe 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 and Developers Workshop 2006, 2007 and 2008. All our attempts to draw the banners failed.

We accumulated the efforts again and released the banners to promote the conference in 2011.

You can find the banners here..