AD: ArcaOS 5.1 Russian LIP
Russian ARCAOS exists and it's available since the middle of 2017.
All versions are supported: 5.1, 5.1.1.
eCo Software is able to maintain OS/2 LIP packages for any other language
(German, Dutch, Brazilian Portuguese, Spanish, Sweden, etc)
Evolutionary sprint 2007/11 |
TITLE: Evolutionary sprint 2007/11
DATE: 2007-11-15 22:45:32
AUTHOR: eCo Software
Evolutionary Sprint
Revision: 20071201
What is Evolutionary Sprint?
- Evolutionary = don't migrate to other platform
- Sprint = 1-2 years to improve situation (starting from fall 2006)
Why eComStation is surviving today?
- because IBM was burning millions of dollars to OS/2 every year,
- because IBM embedded many technologies to the operating system,
- because there are professional developers (dosenz, hundreds of
developers and specialists)
- because small sponsors invest money into new projects.
all large cool projects are created on sponsor money
and supported by eComStation later.
1. Correct decisions and Mistakes
The PC market is very huge, there is place for every system,
those which do not make mistakes to win the competition.
Correct decisions in the past:
- 2002 - Serenity Systems ordered ACPI and Bootable JFS development,
- 2005 - Mensys switched to selling of Software Subscription, not new version
(user are happy because get updates every week; resellers have sellings during the whole year,
not after release only)
- We always have Modern Office Suite, PDF viewer and Virtual machine
(Serenity and Mensys care about this)
- No new toolkit & DDK since 2001
- No detailed roadmap updated in the end of month
- Investing into single developer (major part of projects failed)
- No support of internal competition
2. eComStation roadmap (forecast)
What is the future of eComStation? Let's make a forecast till 2009.
2 0 0 7 eComStation PC
Starting from 2007 we can declare that eComStation is working on
any modern PC again.
If you see a computer with such logo - it is running on eComStation.
Welcome to eComStation PC site
which contains common information about supported hardware.
Visit the database of supported hardware (more than 1300 reports)
to find details.
eComStation supports popular peripheral devices:
- USB Mass storage devices (flash disks, digital cameras)
- Laser postscript printers
- CD/DVD/Blu-ray disk drives
2 0 0 7 Panorama VESA
Panorama VESA supports all video adapters. It should be debugged and
equipped with setup program -- EXECUTED
You should install Panorama VESA if you have an adapter:
- ATI Radeon X1300 (R500 family) and above
- Intel X3000 and above
- NVidia GeForce 6200/6600 and above
ToDo: Toolkit, Widescreen activators
2 0 0 7 ACPI, 2007 whatsnew
You need ACPI if:
- Multi-core notebook/desktop/barebone
- If your notebook doesn't work with IBM APM.SYS
- You don't need ACPI if using old desktop with Celeron CPU
Or, determine by the date of PC manufacture:
- If your computer was manufactured in 2004 or later then ACPI.PSD should support it well.
- If your computer was manufactured in 2006 or later then you must install ACPI.PSD.
We have improved some global critical things during 2007 (this things required global improvements in ACPI.PSD)
- mutexes support (to delimit the access to ACPI variables, ACPI devices)
- PCI Scan, moved from snooper to .psd, improved.
- suspend support for SMP computers (computers with VIA chipset are supported; Lenovo T60 is supported)
- support of VIA chipset
- support of new Danis IDE driver
- updated Intel ACPI machine several times
- every user has own model of computer. we spend time to support users and investigate every model of PC
- every chipset has own specific problems. the research required some monthes
- users have old drivers - it's not easy to make them upgrade device drivers to versions ready for ACPI
- OEMHLP$ driver is embedded to OS/2 kernel. it was replaced (in other words, the kernel of eCS is updated)
2 0 0 7 GenMac wrapper
Genmac network adapters driver:
- many popular network adapters are supported in eComStation now (gigabit, wifi)
- frequent updates
- support of suspend/resume
What's new:
- Genmac wrapper is updated very often -- VERY GOOD
- Intel PRO/Wireless 4965AGN
- Intel 82566MM Gigabit
- supported chipsets
2 0 0 7 Native network drivers
Native network drivers are frozen now.
It would be nice to have 3-5 native drivers to compete with Genmac (remember the history of SNAP, it killed all drivers then died itself).
Native drivers bring reliability and performance.
What's new:
- NDIS driver for NVIDIA chipset network adapters (from nickk)
2 0 0 7 USB drivers
To support new devices, it's necessary update base USB drivers.
Todo: it's necessary create a site "how to prepare flash-disks"
(eComStation is able to work with any USB MSD device)
2 0 0 7 Uniaud
UniAud: HDAudio on-board adapters are not supported.
This causes a crisis: no sellings of multimedia apps => zero turnover
The problem should be solved before the end of year.
- We offer update USBAudio driver to support cheap modern USB audio adapters
- Separate Uniaud/HDAudio to simplify debugging.
2 0 0 7 Danis IDE drivers
SATA-controllers -- all modern adapters are supported by xATA (Danis drivers).
Daniela planned many updates in the beginning of 2007, the base plan is executed.
2 0 0 7 3D-graphics
We need software OpenGL ES v.latest
- No need in realtime 3D Graphics,
- We need qualitative static 3D images
OpenGL ES (software) should be ported. It is critical for students.
2 0 0 7 Applications -> system applications
To increase the value of eComStation pack, it's necessary
include 10-20 additional small applications (scheduler,
backup, address book, etc) and 5-7 large applications (catalogues, etc).
2 0 0 7 Kernel
Kernel is extended via ACPI sub-system. The specialists should discuss the need of 64-bit kernel before the end of year 2007.
IF there is source code of current kernel than we can create 64-bit kernel.
Current goal:
Create Wiki and describe the behaviour of the kernel, components, dependencies, restrictions, ..
The roadmap of kernel parts replacement.
2 0 0 7 Networking
Currently, the compatiblity with Vista networking is described in FAQs.
The users should collect tricks and tips how to setup Windows there.
2 0 0 7 Multimedia
It's necessary create RAW I/O Procedure to preview photos made using modern digital still cameras
Sound support should be ideal.
eComStation PC is used to make money usually, so users need the sound in
the background. Every user needs excellent sound/music support (Internet radio, etc.)
2 0 0 7 Web-browsers
Mozilla-based web-browsers -- Good
eComStation is alive thanks to efforts of the developers porting the web-browsers.
Users should post more eCS-specific bug-reports.
The Web-browsers should influence on FT2Lib
(because the performance of text rendering is not satisfactory now).
2 0 0 7 Developers
We are lacking the portal for developers (MSDN-like).
We opened new site for developers -- eCo Software Developer Connection
API: Developers of drivers should use ACPI API, to query system information, to work on SMP.
2 0 0 7 Community
The face of community will change:
- new people are coming
- old developers and users go away
eComStation 2.0 may attract new 30 students-developers.
2 0 0 8 Panorama
It's necessary check the state of Panorama VESA video driver. One manufacturer should be supported with 2D acceleration.
Which family to support?
- Intel GMA 3000 -- no DVI output, embedded to motherboards
- ATI R600 -- no 2D, it is emulated via 3D
- ATI R500
2 0 0 8 Base drivers
eComStation should be equipped with loader of drivers by VendorID:ProductID; -- FAILED
2 0 0 8 Non-standard computers
Check if 10% of new computers on the market are EFI-only, then implement support of EFI;
Every month we see new computers which do not have PCI BIOS (pci.exe writes: NO PCI Bios)
- the information about PCI device is not defined. Class of device -> all info.
- The drivers should get info via OEMHLP$/ACPI
2 0 0 8 ACPI
Check if eComStation works fine with QuadCore notebooks, update ACPI drivers;
2 0 0 8 USB stack
Deep fixes of USB Stack are possible.
Goals: Support more devices
It's necessary update USB 2.0 controller driver,
Update drivers for USB devices
2 0 0 8 Applications
In 2008 all software is distributed via eComStation Software Catalogue application.
Users need semi-automatical update of software, developers need direct contact with every user. The application should allow to manage installed software, view catalogue of available software, download updates.
How it works:
- You can see the stack of updates, Buttons: Download, Install
- Developers are updating links & whatsnew via web-interface
- The update is automatical if the update is certified
2 0 0 8 Business
The developers of solutions based on eComStation
need meanings
to protect system files. The developer of eComStation is obligated
embed Security/2 to eComStation.
2 0 0 8 Virtual machine
Virtual machines it's a political question, what are the advantages
and disadvantages of VM for eComStation?
VM Host for eComStation:
- + good for some consumers
- + no need for developers work on duplication of Windows applications
- - less native software
Support of eComStation guest in VMs:
- + export of our products to other "countries"
- + interested user can try eCS inside VM before purchase
- - less drivers, user goes to other OS because it is stronger
- - user never upgrades to eCS v.next
We offer:
Collect taxes and forward to the development of native drivers and applications.
2 0 0 8 Developer Connection
User interface: User interface of eComStation is lifted. All new separate PM-controls are included to eComStation
API: All developers should migrate to SDL/2 graphics library.
2 0 0 8 Kernel
Default kernel is SMP kernel, PROTECTONLY=YES is default
Axiom: "OS/2 and OS/2 kernel can live together only."
2 0 0 8 Java virtual machine
Currently eComStation is equipped with Java VM 1.4.2, users need 1.5 and 1.6.
Java includes: compiler + runtime + VM
- compiler writes bytecode
- vm executes bytecode
- runtime provides libraries and graphics
No ideas how to get Java support.
It's clear that
if there is competition (2 groups of developers) then Java
virtual machine may be ported and work stable
(remember the history of Golden Code <> Innotek competition)
2 0 0 8 Mobile assistants support
Mobile devices are very important.
- Let's say the PC market is roughly 200 million units these day, grows 15 percent a year.
- Mobile devices (Cell phones) = billion units a year.
it's necessary create a site or sub-page and some users will concentrate on connectivity of mobile devices and eCS. This is a strategic goal, important for survival of our platform.
2 0 0 9 ACPI
It's necessary check the state of ACPI drivers. By default eComStation is running on any model of PC till 2009.
eComStation is running on PC hardware without virtual machine.
2 0 0 9 Networking (replace TCP/IP stack)
It's necessary check what is the status of IPv6. No need in IPv6 till 2009 because other OSes support IPv4.
The main improvement brought by IPv6 is a much larger address space that allows greater flexibility in assigning addresses.
IPv6 address: 2001:0db8:85a3:08d3:1319:8a2e:0370:7334
2 0 0 9 USB 3.0 support
- USB 3.0 was announced at Intel Developer Forum (fall 2007)
- It is developed by Intel, Hewlett-Packard, Microsoft, NEC, NXP Semiconductors, Texas Instruments.
- 10x times increase of speed (USB 2.0: 480 Mbit/sec -> USB 3.0: 5 Gbit/sec)
- A completed USB 3.0 specification is expected by the first half of 2008.
2 0 0 9 WPS Apps
If 30-50 new medium applications are integrated to WPS and users live on desktop then it's necessary add Search engine to the operating system.
Support NeoWPS project
Black list
As you remember, OS/2 was used in the past as
- OS/2 as router -> major part of users switched to cheap routers
- OS/2 as fileserver -> users switched to Network Accessed Storage devices (NAS)
Conclusion: it's necessary declare that eComStation doesn't have software solutions and users should purchase separate devices:
- IP-phones. it's cheaper to use hardware devices. Let's monitor new hardware and notify users which models to use.
- Web-cameras -> Video phones
- Bluetooth
3. What is your role in this plan?
As you can see, we have impressive plans but the barriers are insurmountable.
The success of the plan depends on the activity of inhabitants of the "OS/2 village".
If many people have profit from eComStation.
Essential conditions:
* If more people are interested in eComStation
* If the development of software is simplified
* If there is internal competition
* If users have all basic applications
* If UI is updated
* If apps are designed well
* If we don't make mistakes
The cycle of eComStation life
(flow of money, ideas and messages)
Roles | Remarks |
The activity of specialists and fans goes down:
os2voice.org published 2 issues in this year, although in
2003 - there were 12 issues -> 2004 - 10 issues -> 2005 - 8
-> 2006 - 5 -> 2007 - 2
How to restore the activity? The editor should make extra efforts:
- Take 1 interview with a developer/company/zealot per week
- no need to review hardware
The zealots should:
- Create sites: "Switch from Windows to eComStation",
create other node sites which cover wide topics:
How to write CD/DVD, how to ..
- Export news and links to IT sites
- The organizers of the conferences are tired.
New assitants should join.
Users |
- Users play with applications, press developers
- Discuss eComStation software inside and on external sites
- Translate applications
- Write reviews of software, buy software
- Advertise eCS, mini success stories
If you don't execute this actions then you are useless user
Students |
Is it possible attract simple home user to eComStation? or
professional developers/businessmen?
We should attract students, they play role of users and developers.
A stupid student plays games only,
We don't need millions of standard students, we need useful students:
- they have time to try eCS
- they are able to create small native applications, math utils
Developers |
- Waiting that somebody will invite them
- Better combine Linux + Win + Native approaches
Responsibility of developers
- Promote your application like on a market with millions of customers
- Your mission is to deliver toys to users
- Share your modules. Request components, RAD tools from the governmentФ.
Needed software:
- No answer -- students know this
- Graphics (mini-editors)
- Music
- Databases
- TV players
- Plugins for Node applications
Push users to WPS! Create 5.. no.. 50! WPS applications
Resellers |
- Waiting for Roadmap from Government.. - WRONG
- Every reseller is selling own model of PC - WRONG
- Describe Applications, not OS installation
- Join eCS PC campaign
- eCS market is equal to any other market
- Spend efforts to attract new customers
eComStation PC campaign - this
will make resellers invest money into
- web-cameras support
- System information
- Recovery tools
Businessmen |
You can make business if you have: technology + specialists + money.
The businessmen should invest *money* into developers which own a techology.
Mistakes of companies:
- don't reinvest money
- don't invest into innovations
- don't share information with Solutions site
- Increase the usage of eCS in own company,
publish a success story
- Investigate the requirements of the market, create a technology
- Participate as reseller
- Buy companies which hold technologies
Government (Serenity, Mensys) |
Role of government is build "roads" / factories / education
Improve processes, create roadmaps, research the market
eCS should be tested with modern hardware, not 2002/2004
Advice: give freedom to eCS Demo-CD
- N OS/2 users/developers will equip it with software.
- The live-CD will attract thousands of new users. It's free, if it is useful for multimedia or networking
- btw, this will give materials/addons for eCS CD1 installer
Additional information
Test the program:
Virtual machine for eComStation? How to run eComStation inside virtual machine? (Read more..)
Comments: Kirby Hylton  2008-01-15 00:16:48 | I keep on working on ways to (re-integrate OS/2 - ECS into my daily life.
I am putting together an ECS / XP box, and when 2.0 GA comes out I will probably add it to my work laptop.
Unfortunately, my website admin login won't do Firefox, and I need to look at ECS alternatives to my ACT! database (that will easily integrate with the ACT! on my office-mate's computers.
I also need to look at graphics type of package to all me to design my real estate flyers, postcards, etc. Perhaps Open Office can do this.
I also tie in my amateur radio hobby with my XP box. I don't know if there are alternatave programs. I need more time...
Kirby Hylton former SysOp: TeamOS2-Denver BBS |
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