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Everyday usage of Personal Cards Manager

TITLE: Everyday usage of Personal Cards Manager

DATE: 2007-10-11 20:25:22

AUTHOR: eCo Software

What is the purpose of Personal Cards Manager (PCM)? Why do you need PCM if every e-mail client has own address book?

1. The main purpose of PCM - keep ALL contacts (not e-mails only) in one place

  • Continue to use the address book of your e-mail client
  • Continue to use the address book of the mobile phone
  • use the Personal Cards Manager as your central database

2. The second argument to start using PCM: Usually you temporary keep e-mails, phones and names in plain text files or little pieces of paper. PCM is the perfect tool to sort your records.

PCM, Address book

Creating Address book

Follow the recommendations:

  • Create One main address book, create other books inside the main (use this sub-books as groups: Family, Friends, Business, etc.)
  • Keep all cards in address books only

You can create Address book using the template of Address book: drag&drop the template to desktop - voila! address book is there. Open it, it seems like standard folder with extra features. Collect WPPerson cards there.

Creating cards

Card is a file on your disk. If you open it via desktop (click it), you can see notebook: PIC: opened card.

When filling a card, pay attention to key fields:

  • Name
  • e-mail

To create good quality photo cut off the top of the head. Such photos seems more attractive.

Original photo



good for passport

cut off the top of the head

Manipulation with cards

Use Drag&drop to move cards to other address book

Usage of one Address Book in local network

  • Requirements: Netbios protocol
  • Install PCM on all computers in the local network,
  • Create the main Address book on Server,
  • Create shadow of main Address Book on every client PC.


  • your network should work stable

The perspectives

Personal Cards Manager opens the door for syncronization with personal mobile assistants and phones.

Additional information


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