Level 1: How to collect logs?
Send logs, photos and remarks to
ACPI tracker -> [New ticket]
(Register to Login,
don't use short name&password, save your password)
Post your e-mail to ACPI support service
so we can notify you
if there are new questions and comments. Your name, number of ticket in http://svn.netlabs.org/acpi/ticket/%number%
In most cases you should
- execute command: copy acpica$ acpi.log
- ACPI Logs Collector (the package is available from BETAZONE)
a) execute CollectLogs.cmd from command line,
b) send the generated .ziq to the tracker
LOGS-1 (Boot fails)
IF you have a trap or hang during eComStation boot then
- Remove OS2LOGO (Move file x:\OS2LOGO from root directory to other location)
- Install debug version of ACPI.PSD (you can find it in debug\ directory)
- Use switches which you need and which cause hang or trap
- If you get trap or hang then make photo of the screen using digital camera
- Send us the photo (.jpg)
LOGS-2 (Boot OK, hangs later)
IF ACPI works not good and you can boot to desktop then
- boot to desktop
- execute command: copy acpica$ acpi.log
- send acpi.log to developers
- Please, spend extra time and collect logs from LOGS-3
LOGS-3 (Bad ACPI tables)
IF developer tells that ACPI table is bad then
- Download IASL: http://ecomstation.ru/projects/acpitools/?action=down
- Boot with ACPI
- execute command: Iasl -d
- send generated files (*.dat and *.dsl) to developers
LOGS-4 (Troubles when switched to graphics mode)
IF you booted to graphics mode.. and trap/hang in 1-2 seconds
try change the PROTSHELL to
collect logs from LOGS-2
LOGS-5 (Boot OK, hang in N hours)
IF eComStation booted successfully but hangs in 2-5 hours
- method 1: Install debug version of ACPI.PSD, switch to Fullscreen text mode
and wait for hang. Make photo of the screen, send to developers.
- method 2: activate logging in AcpiD.CFG, AcpiLog = x:\AcpiCA.log
send the log to the developers.
LOGS-6 (Troubles with PCI devices)
IF you have troubles with PCI devices then
- collect standard ACPI logs: LOGS-1
- pci.exe without ACPI
Notes: if pci.exe hangs then pci.exe -????
- pci.exe with ACPI
- Q: How to grab PCI Config space dump? Use: pci -D > amd-20080516
- Send logs to developers
LOGS-7 (Troubles with power management)
IF you have troubles with APM (Power Management) then
- install apm.add from debug directory,
- boot,
- execute: copy apm$ apm.log
- send apm.log to the tracker
LOGS-8 (Troubles with shutdown)
- Which method of shutdown do you use? eWP, eStyler (version, settings)?
- Find acpidaemon.log (check the date of file)
- You can send information to developers, use the latest version of ACPI,
assign shutdown to PowerOff, use debug acpi,
goto fullscreen, press PowerOff button, if system hangs then make
a photo of the screen. Send it to the developers
LOGS-9 (Troubles with suspend/resume)
- acpi.log
- how do you execute suspend? step by step,
how do you resume? step by step.
- Find acpidaemon.log (check the date of file)
Level 2: How to use debug version of ACPI.PSD
You need debug build of ACPI if can't find simple cause of hangs/crashes.
You can find debug build of ACPI.PSD in ACPI package (debug\ sub-directory) or
on Mensys site (special builds are compiled as debug usually).
If system hangs during system boot then make photo of screen with
digital still camera. Send photo to the developers.
(If system hangs on OS2LOGO = eComStation splash screen then
copy x:\OS2LOGO to backup directory, remove it from bootable disk)
If system hangs when system in graphics mode (desktop) then,
reboot, when system is booted switch to fullscreen (or jump to
CADH, press Ctrl-Alt-Del one time to switch to text fullscreen mode),
you can see many debug messages written by debug ACPI driver.
If system hangs then make photo of screen with
digital still camera. Send photo to the developers.
Level 3: Collect log via COM-port
Your PC should be equipped with COM-port, you need additional PC to receive
the stream of data.
Install debug ACPI.PSD (debug\ sub-directory), modify the CONFIG.SYS:
psd=acpi.psd /O1
(O1 - logging to COM1, O2 - logging to COM2)
Terminal settings:
115200,8,N,1 HW flow support.
(ZOC: [x] RTS, [x] CD)
- Attach the second connector to turned off PC else COM-port may burn.
- If PC hangs then try boot again 1-2 times